Here at Prospect Park Family Dentistry, we use the Bioclear Matrix® method when providing cosmetic and restorative treatments. Bioclear is designed to provide you with aesthetic final results which strengthen and conserve your teeth, promoting both a beautiful smile and your long-term oral health. The Bioclear method is often recommended as an alternative to traditional treatments such as dental veneers, crowns and bonding.

Founded in 2007, Bioclear has changed how dental restorations are done, improving the aesthetics and function of your smile through the use of cutting-edge procedures and materials. The ultimate goal of the Bioclear method is to give you stronger, longer lasting and aesthetically superior final results with the most minimally invasive treatments possible.

Dr. Aditi Verma and Dr. Dhaval Shah may recommend the Bioclear method to correct problems such as:

  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Stained and discolored teeth
  • Uneven or unusually small teeth
  • Teeth with gaps between them
  • Dark triangles between the teeth
  • Teeth damaged by decay

When you receive a treatment using Bioclear, our skilled dentists will first clean the tooth or teeth receiving the treatment thoroughly. A thin form will be selected to provide a mold for your new tooth surface. This form is slipped under your gum line and a composite resin is injected to fill the form and create the new tooth surface. Our dentists will harden the resin before carefully shaping and polishing it to create a natural and aesthetic final result. This entire process can usually be completed in just one appointment and does not typically require the use of a local anesthetic.

For more details about the Bioclear Matrix method in Prospect Park, Pennsylvania, and to schedule your consultation with our experienced dentists, please contact our office at 610-583-5052.