Gum disease, often referred to as periodontal disease, is a serious oral health condition that can lead to significant dental issues if not properly managed. Characterized by the inflammation and infection of the gums, it stems from the accumulation of plaque, which is teeming with harmful bacteria. These bacteria attack the gum tissue, leading to redness, swelling and a host of other symptoms such as bleeding gums, loose teeth, discomfort while chewing, persistent bad breath and the visible recession of gums. This condition not only affects the appearance of one’s smile but can also result in the loss of teeth and bone within the jaw if left unaddressed.

Early detection and treatment of gum disease are crucial for maintaining oral health and preventing its progression. Dr. Aditi Verma, Dr. Dhaval Shah and our team check for signs of periodontal disease during your regular dental exams. If these signs are noticed, we will perform a more thorough evaluation to diagnose the condition and determine its severity. Based on the findings and the severity of the disease, we will then create a treatment plan to meet your specific needs and help improve your oral health.

There are a wide range of periodontal treatments available, and our dentists will work closely with you to find the type of treatments that are right for your needs. Options range from noninvasive procedures such as additional professional cleanings and improved oral hygiene at home to antibiotic treatments, scaling and root planing and, in severe cases, surgical treatments. We will discuss all your options with you to help you make an informed decision about your care.

Call Prospect Park Family Dentistry today at 610-583-5052 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Aditi Verma or Dr. Dhaval Shah and learn more about gum disease treatment in Prospect Park, Pennsylvania. We are committed to helping you regain a healthy mouth and smile.