Gum contouring, also known as crown lengthening, is an effective solution for individuals dissatisfied with their “gummy smile.” This condition, characterized by the excessive visibility of gum tissue over the teeth, often leads to the teeth appearing unusually short and can significantly impact one’s self-esteem and smile aesthetics. In many instances, the issue stems from an overabundance of gum covering teeth that are otherwise normally shaped and sized, rather than from any inherent flaw in the teeth themselves.

To address this concern and enhance your smile’s visual appeal, Dr. Aditi Verma and Dr. Dhaval Shah may suggest gum contouring surgery. This procedure entails the precise removal of a minimal amount of gum tissue to expose more of the teeth’s surface, thereby creating a more proportionate and visually pleasing smile. Not only does this treatment work to improve the balance and harmony between your gums and teeth, but it also helps you achieve a natural-looking result that complements your overall facial features.

Gum contouring is typically a straightforward process, often completed within a single visit to Prospect Park Family Dentistry, making it a convenient option for those seeking immediate improvements. The procedure is customized to each individual’s specific needs, ensuring that the final outcome aligns with their aesthetic goals and expectations. Whether dealing with an uneven gum line, asymmetrical gums, or simply desiring a less gummy smile, gum contouring can offer a transformative solution.

We invite you to call us at 610-583-5052 today to schedule your consultation with our skilled dentists and learn if cosmetic gum contouring in Prospect Park, Pennsylvania, is right for you! We are dedicated to helping you achieve a smile you can proudly showcase.