Crown lengthening is a specialized dental procedure that serves both functional and cosmetic roles. It is often recommended for individuals experiencing what is commonly referred to as a “gummy smile,” where the teeth appear shorter than normal due to excessive gum tissue. This condition can make the gums seem overly prominent or extend too far over the teeth, masking their true length and shape. To address this issue and enhance your smile’s beauty, crown lengthening involves the careful removal of a minimal amount of gum tissue. This process reveals more of the tooth’s structure, leading to a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing smile. Typically, this treatment can be completed in a single visit, offering a quick and effective solution to improve your dental appearance.

Dr. Aditi Verma and Dr. Dhaval Shah may also recommend crown lengthening to help you prepare for a restorative or cosmetic dental procedure. For example, in cases where a tooth is broken at or near the gum line, or there is insufficient tooth structure for a necessary restoration, crown lengthening can expose more of the tooth. This additional exposed tooth structure allows for the successful placement of dental restorations such as crowns or bridges, ensuring they fit securely and function properly.

To learn more about crown lengthening in Prospect Park, Pennsylvania, and schedule your consultation with our dentists, please contact Prospect Park Family Dentistry at 610-583-5052. We are committed to helping you achieve a healthier, more confident smile.