Dental sealants are at the forefront of preventive dental care, working to shield against tooth decay and cavities so patients of all ages can enjoy a healthier smile. This simple treatment involves applying a thin, protective coating made from a special resin or plastic on the molars and premolars. The primary goal is to safeguard these back teeth, which are particularly susceptible to decay due to their complex surface anatomy that makes them challenging to clean thoroughly.

Applying dental sealants is straightforward and comfortable and can be completed in a single visit to Prospect Park Family Dentistry. Our dentists will clean and prepare the tooth surface before painting the sealing material onto the tooth, where it will bond to the tooth and harden. A special curing light may be used to help the sealant harden more quickly. Once in place, this sealant will protect the tooth for several years, blocking out decay-causing bacteria, food debris and other factors.

One of the most significant advantages of dental sealants is their ability to form a protective barrier over the natural crevices and grooves of the tooth surfaces. This barrier effectively prevents food particles and bacteria from getting trapped in these hard-to-reach areas, significantly reducing the risk of tooth decay. Moreover, because the sealant is clear or tooth-colored, it blends seamlessly with the natural tooth, maintaining the aesthetic appearance of the smile.

Sealants are typically recommended for children and teenagers as they are usually at a higher risk of cavities. Our dentists will usually recommend that sealants be applied after their permanent molars and premolars erupt. However, adults can also benefit from sealants, particularly if they have deep grooves in their teeth or a history of dental decay.

For more information on how dental sealants in Prospect Park, Pennsylvania, can benefit you, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Aditi Verma or Dr. Dhaval Shah, contact our office at 610-583-5052.