Dental crowns, often referred to as “caps,” serve as a cornerstone in the field of restorative dentistry, offering both functional and aesthetic solutions for compromised teeth. These custom-fitted restorations are meticulously designed to cover a tooth from the gumline upwards, reinstating its original dimensions and functional integrity. The versatility of dental crowns allows them to address a wide range of dental issues, from repairing a tooth that has been severely weakened by decay or injury to enhancing the overall appearance of one’s smile.

While crowns may be made of several different materials, including gold and other metals, porcelain crowns have become increasingly popular as they mimic the natural color and translucency of tooth enamel to provide a beautiful final result. But beyond restoring the appearance of your damaged teeth, dental crowns also play a pivotal role in restoring your overall oral function and health. For example, dental crowns can:

  • Provide protection for teeth weakened by root canal therapy
  • Serve as anchors for dental bridges and cap of dental implants
  • Transform the appearance of misshapen or discolored teeth
  • Support teeth with large fillings and insufficient natural tooth structure
  • Restore and protect teeth with extensive damage that fillings alone cannot repair

The process for receiving a dental crown typically requires two appointments at Prospect Park Family Dentistry. At the first, our dentists will prepare your tooth to receive the crown and take impressions. A temporary crown may be provided to protect the tooth until the final crown is ready. At the second appointment, the final crown will be bonded into place to complete your treatment.

If you are experiencing dental concerns that you believe may benefit from a crown, or if you simply want more information about dental crowns in Prospect Park, Pennsylvania, please contact our office at 610-583-5052. Our team will provide you with more details and schedule a consultation with Dr. Aditi Verma or Dr. Dhaval Shah to determine if a crown is right for you.