Fluoride, a naturally occurring mineral, plays a pivotal role in oral health, serving as a cornerstone in the prevention of cavities and the strengthening of tooth enamel. Found in various sources such as water, certain foods and fluoride-infused toothpaste, this mineral is essential for bolstering tooth resilience against decay. Despite the fluoride intake from these sources, additional fluoride treatments are often recommended by our dentists to provide an extra layer of protection, especially for those at higher risk of dental decay.

Fluoride aids in the remineralization of tooth enamel, the hard, outer layer of the teeth that is constantly subjected to demineralization by the acids produced from the interaction between bacteria and sugars in the mouth. By replenishing the lost minerals, fluoride not only thwarts the development of cavities but also reverses early signs of tooth decay. Furthermore, fluoride is instrumental in the development of strong, healthy teeth in children, making it a critical component of pediatric dental care.

Dr. Aditi Verma and Dr. Dhaval Shah may advise professional fluoride treatments as part of routine dental examinations and cleanings. These treatments, available in various forms such as gels, varnishes and foams, are applied directly to the teeth, offering a higher concentration of fluoride than over-the-counter products. Such treatments are particularly beneficial for individuals prone to tooth decay or those who do not get sufficient fluoride from their diet or daily oral hygiene regimen.

To learn more about fluoride treatment in Prospect Park, Pennsylvania, and schedule your appointment with our experienced dentists, please contact Prospect Park Family Dentistry today at 610-583-5052.