If you sustain minor tooth damage, such as that caused by cracking or a cavity, our dentists may recommend repairing and restoring your teeth with dental fillings. These fillings are designed to blend in perfectly with your smile, restoring your appearance as well as your ability to eat and speak normally and comfortably.

Traditionally, fillings have been made using a silver amalgam material. However, advances in dentistry have led to the development and use of tooth-colored restorations. Here at Prospect Park Family Dentistry, we are pleased to use only composite, or tooth-colored, dental fillings when providing your treatment. Composite fillings are crafted from a mixture of plastic and fine glass particles which are meticulously designed to blend in seamlessly with your teeth, offering you a final solution that is aesthetic as well as functionally superior.

Benefits of composite dental fillings include:

  • A material that bonds to your tooth structure, providing additional support, preserving its structural integrity and minimizing the risk of future fractures or breaks.
  • Protection for your tooth against thermal shocks associated with hot and cold foods and beverages, leading to reduced tooth sensitivity.
  • A material which creates a tight seal around the edges of the cavity, enhancing the tooth’s defense against decay and leakage.
  • A biocompatible treatment which promotes your health and safety – composite fillings eliminate the concern of exposure to mercury and other metals, offering a safer solution for your smile.
  • A versatile and minimally invasive treatment option which can repair cavities that are extremely small and which can be repaired and replaced without needing to remove the entire filling.

Most dental fillings can be completed in a single visit to Dr. Aditi Verma or Dr. Dhaval Shah. Our dentists will begin by providing a local anesthetic to ensure your comfort, after which the tooth will be thoroughly cleaned and all damaged and decayed material removed. The filling is then applied and shaped to match the contours of your tooth before being hardened.

To schedule an appointment with our dentists and learn more about composite dental fillings in Prospect Park, Pennsylvania, please contact our office at 610-583-5052. We are committed to providing you with quality care that will improve your smile and oral health.