If you suffer from bruxism or a TMJ disorder, Dr. Aditi Verma and Dr. Dhaval Shah may recommend that you wear a night guard. A night guard serves as a protective barrier for your teeth, cushioning and protecting them from the forces of grinding and clenching caused by bruxism in order to prevent tooth damage and help you maintain a healthy smile.

Recognizing the signs of bruxism is key to preventing damage and maintaining a healthy smile, as many people remain unaware of their condition due to its occurrence during sleep. Symptoms to watch for include:

  • Persistent jaw, facial or ear pain
  • A sensation of tiredness or tightness in the jaw upon waking
  • Frequent tension headaches or migraines
  • Accelerated tooth wear
  • Chips, flattening or cracking of the teeth
  • Exposed inner tooth layers
  • Tongue indentations
  • Heightened tooth sensitivity

If you have experienced any of these symptoms, our dentists may recommend a custom night guard to meet your needs. The creation of a custom night guard involves a personalized process to ensure a comfortable and effective fit, tailored to your unique dental profile. This individualized solution allows for a peaceful night’s sleep while safeguarding your teeth from the potential damage caused by grinding and clenching. Adopting a proactive approach by opting for a night guard can mitigate the risk of severe dental issues in the future, ensuring the longevity and health of your smile.

Call Prospect Park Family Dentistry today at 610-583-5052 to schedule your consultation and learn more about the benefits of night guards in Prospect Park, Pennsylvania!